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Time for India to take top spot

On: Sunday, December 14, 2008

India must defeat England or else squander its chance of taking top spot in the rankings.

Of course the tables themselves will not change so swiftly but Australia owes its lead to results achieved while Glenn McGrath was running around and before Shane Warne became a musical.

That Australian side no longer exists and the current team lacks great bowlers, an essential ingredient in any powerful outfit. Hereafter Australia will be unable to secure the crushing victories needed to continue its domination. Forced to work harder for wins and wickets, the Australians are vulnerable. As could be told from their recent tribulations.

Within a few weeks the rankings could have been shaken up. For 15 years most of the teams have been playing for second place behind an apparently invincible champion. It was the same from 1978 to 1994 or thereabouts, a period dominated by several magnificent West Indian sides.

Open field

Now the field is open. As in military matters, the side that dares will win. Ambition and single mindedness will be required to prevail. It will not be enough to secure a few famous victories. England made that mistake in 2005. Rather it is a question of forging an entire cricket community into a fighting force with one purpose in mind — domination.

If anything, India faces a stiffer task than its rivals as it seeks the top spot. After all it is also compelled to reconstruct its side as age takes its toll. Ordinarily these traits pull in opposite directions.

Chopping and changing can cause fatal nervousness and hesitancy thereby dampening the ardour of a team.

As a rule players need to feel a sense of belonging and mutual confidence. Otherwise they will hold back at critical moments, playing for safety when the heart cries for adventure.

It’s the same in hockey and pop groups. Familiarity is needed so that players bounce off each other harmoniously. Every team knows when it happens. A player does not need to open his eyes to locate his colleagues.

Remain constant

India must change and yet retain its strength. So far these conflicting challenges have been met. Doubtless it helped that Anil Kumble and Sourav Ganguly left with smiles on their faces.

Nothing became their careers so well as their ending. Doubtless they sensed that they had fought their last battle and ought to leave the field.

Nor is there any reason to suppose that Rahul Dravid will dig in his toes. Better than most sportsmen, these fellows have put the welfare of Indian cricket above their own interests. Pressed, Dravid has even kept wicket for his country.

Smooth changeover

Accordingly the changeover has been smooth. That has made it easier for their replacements. Not every Australian has been as considerate. Adam Gilchrist was barracked during his first few matches. The mutual respect between Mahendra Dhoni and the seniors helped.

Far from pushing the elders to the sidelines, Dhoni invited Ganguly to lead the side in the last few minutes of his final match whilst Kumble took part in all the celebrations. All round it was an object lesson in how to effect change without making the atmosphere so acrid that Al Gore had to be summoned.

Moreover Dhoni’s team is better balanced than any of its predecessors. Admittedly this series will be played in a slightly surreal atmosphere, as the smoke clears and soldiers watch with fingers poised. All the same it is a significant contest between thrusting teams.

Meanwhile a committed but complex South Africa side will attempt to lower the Australian flag. It’s going to be an interesting few weeks. India has never reached the pinnacle of the game. It’s about time it did.

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