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ICL 20 20 Cricket Scores

On: Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Despite of a huge score in third test cricket match between India and Pakistan, India could not bowled out entire team before the follow on target and Pakistan again escaped. This is the second time Indian batsman has scored this big total of 626 runs. It the plus point of India that they are continuously performing better in batting but another thing that force us to thing “that is bowling” why Indian bowlers are not still performing better when you have a huge target. You should not have to worry for losing the game as no one team can about lose when they have made this big total. It’s a batting pitch as well as well. But now it seems that match is going towards draw.

In the second innings India has made 131 run on the lose of two wickets. Pakistan can’t win that game but Indian also can as not much time has been left for playing. But it is cricket. Anything can be happen so wait for tomorrow and lets see who win this last test cricket match. dont forget to watch live cricket scores

ICL 20 20 Cricket

Last match of icl championship was played between Mumbai and kalkatta in which Mumbai champs won that match by 7 runs. on 12-12-2007 two matches will be played. First ICL 2020 cricket match will be played between Chennai Superstars vs Delhi Jets at 7.00 and on the same day second match will be played between Kolkata Tigers VS Hyderabad Heroes ay 12.30.

Now let’s see who won the match which team enters in semi finals. Thsese ICL 20 20 cricket matches are very interesting. Evern every 20 20 cricket give some different kind of fun and enjoyment to its viewer. So keep watching these live ICL 2020 cricket, live 20 20 cricket scores.

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