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Lawson likely to face scrutiny from Butt

On: Friday, October 10, 2008

Karachi (PTI): Coach Geoff Lawson is likely to face more scrutiny from the new Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Ejaz Butt who has made it clear that he was not satisfied with the results produced by the Australian.

Lawson, who has a coaching contract with the board until August next year, was appointed by former chairman Nasim Ashraf after Pakistan made an ignominious exit from the 2007 World Cup in the West Indies.

But after a year at the saddle by the Australian, sources say some senior board officials and players in the national team believe that PCB might have acted in haste in preferring Lawson to other candidates, Dav Whatmore and Richard Done.

Butt has told the local media he would definitely be reviewing the performance of the team and the coaching staff. "Let's just say I am not very satisfied with the coaching aspect as well," Butt was quoted as saying by The News.

Other newspapers have quoted Butt as saying that he had never supported Lawson's appointment and wondered what the Aussie had achieved so far. This year, Lawson has been constantly on vacations and he had just returned from Australia on September 27 after a month-long holiday.

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